St. Bede-St. Denis Parish Home

Message from Pastor

Dear brothers and sisters,
There are times in life when everything looks bleak and things do not go as expected. Difficult circumstances that we have to live through and that lead us to pessimism and distrust. Excessive analysis of how bad things are going, which can end up turning us into those sour-faced pessimists that Pope Francis speaks so graphically about.
For moments like this, when we feel empty-handed, despite having worked hard, is what today's Gospel is written for.
Like Peter, tired and with an empty boat after a night without having caught anything, Jesus asks us to be bold and to firmly trust in his word. Although life and its difficulties are stubbornly realistic, Jesus invites us to trust in Him in the midst of our tiredness and burdens, He encourages us not to let ourselves be defeated by difficulties and not to stop sowing, even though the wheat often grows alongside the weeds.
Trusting in Jesus, in addition to giving us unexpected results for our efforts, can cure us of self-sufficiency and help us recognize our own weakness and feel more in need of God. Life is not a path of successes achieved only with our worth and know-how. What is received for free, by pure grace, helps us to be more generous and authentic people.
After a night without catching anything, after trusting in the word of Jesus, Peter began to follow the Master, recognizing himself as a sinner. If he was able to take that step it was because in that boat, after being empty despite his efforts, he was able to discover that only God with his strength can truly fill our needs, calm our deep restlessness, give hope in difficult times.
Let us row out into the deep, trust in his word, recognize our weakness and then... follow the Master in our daily life.
Happy Sunday!
2025 02 08


Holy Hour (Bilingual)

Time: 6 PM – 7 PM
Location: St. Bede Church 8200 S. Kostner Ave. Chicago, IL 60652