Sacraments and Liturgy » Cotillion (Quinceañera)

Cotillion (Quinceañera)

As in all celebrations of the Church, respect, order as well as full, conscious and active participation are required.  In order to celebrate a meaningful Cotillion (Quinceañera) it is important that the following requirements are fulfilled before securing a date for the celebration. 

The requirements are: 

As in all celebrations of the Church, respect, order as well as full, conscious and active participation are required.  In order to celebrate a meaningful Quinceañera it is important that the following requirements are fulfilled before securing a date for the celebration. The requirements are:

  1. The young lady must have already completed the age of 15 or 16 at the time of the celebration.
  2. We require a copy of her Confirmation Certificate. (If the young lady has not yet made her Confirmation, it is required that she already be enrolled in a Confirmation Program.  A letter from her Director of Religious Education will be required).
  3. All young ladies must have already made their First Holy Communion.  (We cannot celebrate a Mass where the young lady being honored cannot receive Holy Communion).
  4. Reserve the date for the Mass at least four months in advance.
  5. The parish requires a fee of $400.00 (non-parishioners: $550.00) for the celebration of the Mass.  This is to be paid in order to secure the date. Note: No dates will be secured until the fee is paid in full.

It is important to fulfill all of the above requirements before the date for the celebration can be secured.  We congratulate all the families interested in celebrating this time-honored tradition.